Susie’s Personal Story

Susie’s Personal Story: GERD – Struggles with Treatment and Dietary Changes

Hi everyone,

I just started reading your stories, and I am so sorry you all deal with this same awful disease. I am aware that things can always be worse, but this isn’t anything to “sneeze” about.

I was diagnosed with GERD about two years ago, and this past year it has gotten worse! I tried a couple of over-the-counter medications, taking the highest dosage. Then, I was put on Nexium, but it tore my stomach up, so I couldn’t take it. Now, I am on my third dosage of Protonix. It helps a little, but only during the day.

It is extremely hard to change 55 years of eating habits, but I am trying. I also know that stress is a culprit, and while it’s almost impossible to avoid, I am doing my best.

My worst habit is trying not to eat after lunch. Seriously, if I have anything for dinner, I will suffer the consequences. The choking, headaches, and burning in my stomach and throat are unbearable. I’ve even considered trying to “stick my finger down my throat for relief,” but I’m afraid this will cause worse burning in my throat and stomach.

I read that apple cider vinegar was supposed to help, but do not swallow this alone! OMG… it set my throat on fire, and it took several days for the pain to settle back down to my usual level of discomfort. I have no idea if it works when diluted, but I will never try it again.

I also had to have my esophagus dilated at one point, and I might have to undergo this procedure again.

I knew of others suffering with this disease before I ever had symptoms, and I couldn’t understand why it would be so difficult to change your habits for the sake of the consequences… lol… now I know why.

God bless everyone, and hang in there!

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