Lakysha’s Personal Story


Lakysha’s Personal Story: My life changed forever

April of 2009 changed my life forever. I’d just finished exercising and was hungry. I ate something with cheese on it, the next thing I knew, I was having the WORST stomach pangs. I’d had stomach problems all my life, but nothing like this. The next thing I knew I had diarrhea and projectile vomiting at the same time. My 9 yr old daughter called 911 because her mommy was screaming in so much pain. It was after this that I was diagnosed with GERD and IBS. From that day forth I stopped eating pork, beef, dairy, and fried foods. I had to figure out what triggered this episode and to NEVER put my baby through that again. It was horrible at first, not knowing what to and what not to eat. The only good thing that came from this was I lost 70 lbs. It’s hard to enjoy family gatherings and vacations because I never know when I’ll have a flare up. Dicyclomine has become my BEST friend. I tell my friends who suffer from this, just take it one day at a time.

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